Serpae Tetra
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Tank mates
Other Serpae tetras: Serpae tetras are schooling fish that do best in groups of at least six.
- Fast-moving fish: Barbs, danios, and larger tetras are good tank mates.
- Bottom-dwelling fish: Loaches and catfish are good tank mates.
- Avoid slow-moving fish: Fish with long fins, like angelfish or bettas, can be targeted for fin nipping.
- Peaceful species: Neon tetras, rummy nose tetras, dwarf gourami, and Miguelito corydoras are good tank mates.
Water conditions
- Temperature: Serpae tetras prefer a water temperature of 72–79°F (22–26°C).
- pH: Serpae tetras prefer a pH range of 5.0–7.5.
- Water hardness: Serpae tetras prefer a water hardness (dGH) of 4–18.
- Water quality: Serpae tetras are sensitive to water fluctuations, so it’s important to monitor and maintain water quality.
- Tank size: Serpae tetras do better in larger groups, so a 20 gallon tank is recommended.
- Tank type: Serpae tetras do best in a well-established, planted tank with lots of hiding spots.
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