Smite Organic Powder 350g
- Description
- 100% natural organic product!
- Safe to use anywhere you can think of where insects are an issue
- No egg, meat, or food withholding periods.
- EPA/HSNO Approved product.
- HOW IT WORKS – Apply DE to all the internal corners, joins, perches & nest boxes – the mite will crawl through the dust to get to the hens at night. The powder damages the mites protective shell causing it to slowly dehydrate & die.
IS IT SAFE – This product is perfectly safe to use not just in animals housing, but can be used with all birds, cats, dogs you name it – for the control of lice, fleas etc in housing & bedding. The same goes for most crawling insects, ants & cockroaches, fleas & flies anywhere you can think of bed bugs, carpets, on your precious vegetable garden, etc. As with any powder do not breathe it in and use a mask, make sure animals are in a well ventilated area.
WHAT IS DE – Diatomaceous Earth consists of fossilized remains of diatoms, a type of hard-shelled algae that is a naturally occurring, soft, siliceous sedimentary rock thats easily crumbled into powder form. The powder has an abrasive feel, similar to pumice powder & is very light due to its high porosity.
Ideal for use in:
- Home or office for flea, fly, cockroach & ant control.
- On your vegetables for aphid & caterpillar control it wont harm earth worms.
- On the farm, wherever animals & pets are present, dog kennels, in chicken coops – great for residual mite control in poultry housing!
- Poultry – RED MITE hide in the darkest nooks & crannies, crevasses, perches & nesting areas in your chooks housing – Coming out at night to suck the blood from your poultry.
Residual insect control that works & keeps on working for months after use.
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